One who is completely free from ill will and is friendly and compassionate towards all, who has overcome attachment and egotism, who is self-composed in pain and pleasure, and forgiving…is thus devoted to me is dear to me…Those who follow this immortal path of devotion exactly as herein propounded by me, with faith and regarding me as the supreme goal; such devotees indeed are exceedingly dear to me.
Read moreRealization
Our spiritual life should not be dominated by adverse material circumstances. Spiritual life must stand above all earthly conditions, as our Soul is above all effects of dualities. Do not always seek God, begin to see God. Blessed is he who sees God everywhere and beholds good in all things.
Read morePerfecting the Means
Perfecting the means is a constant effort that requires steadfastness and humility. It requires placing importance upon every thought, every word and every deed. Our actions produce effects in both seen and unseen ways. Therefore, we should not be attached to the ends for we may not know or understand the actual effect.
Read moreThy Infinite Voice
Thou dost speak unto me in the melody of thy infinite voice. The gentle whisper of the passing breeze, the mystic call of the soaring skylark, the minstrel song of the wandering brook, the message of eternity from the mighty sea---thy voice all!---I hear in rapturous adoration because thou hast endowed me with the power of hearing.
Read moreThe Wisdom of Jnana Yoga
Wisdom is the discerning nature of the soul. It is not merely intellect but a higher state of consciousness that guides us internally. Self-knowledge has a value unequal to any other possession in life. It is that which alone reveals the true nature of ourselves and the world around us.
Read moreWhy do we desire peace?
Why do we desire peace? Because peace is the basic substance of our being. It is a constituent quality of our spiritual self. Peace is the divine essence of the soul. We long for that which belongs to us and we are never satisfied until we have regained our divine treasure. The longing for peace is the most blessed yearning of our soul, the most righteous desire of our being.
Read moreWhen a Gift is Offered
When a gift is offered with the thought that it is righteous to perform acts of charity, without expecting anything in return, at the right time and place and to a worthy person, that gift is regarded as the source of self-liberation and peace.
Read moreThe Unselfish Life
We shall be drowned in the ocean of misery if we live in selfishness. A little straw in the river sinks down under a small weight. A log floats, though a crocodile may lie upon it. A selfish life is like the little straw which is unable to hold itself up against the burden of a little suffering. An unselfish man is like the log, though the monster of great misery be thrust upon him, he lives in serenity, wisdom and joy.
Read moreCome out into Nature
Come out into Nature—not the nature of maps and marked paths—not even the nature of America or any particular country—but the Nature of God…and of yourself.
Read moreTwelve Lights on the Subjective Life
Cultivate the consciousness of the inner life. “Do not follow the way of the worldly-minded.” (Isha Upanishad). Learn to seek God by seeing God. Seek to earnestly know who you are. Self-knowledge is the source of freedom, peace, joy and love. It is the basis for enlightened character.
Read moreAll is revealed
What is the message revealed by Nature? What expression does the formless give within form?
Ever offering a living word, the tone and tenor of cosmic vibration carries the Absolute into Self-manifestation.
Light ignites our hearts in many ways, always joining, embracing, expanding… Some hearts are slow to illumine. Like coal they need time, but once aglow, their quiet warmth soothes and endures for a long time. Some hearts hold light as water does, subdued in dark and silent depths, yet brilliant and energizing in streams and cascading falls. Some hearts spread their light like the ignited incense - a fragrance offered into all directions freely, inviting and pleasing to all. Some hearts, like peerless transparent diamonds reveal the full spectrum of Light.
Read moreTagore: The Religion of Man
The Isha of our Upanishad, the Super Soul, which permeates all moving things, is the God of this human universe whose mind we share in all our true knowledge, love and service, and whom to reveal ourselves through renunciation of self is the highest end of life.
Read more12 Stages of Breathing
Sitting with the purpose of meditation you can follow a tremendously beneficial process of breathing in twelve stages. Just by reading them, you will see right away that they are progressively sublime, calming and expansive. They will be effective and helpful from your very first attempt and every time you follow them! Following them, you will gradually benefit from increasing contentment, gentleness and peace.
Read moreAutumn
The gentle autumn has arrived. Her very presence fills the heart with serene happiness. Tranquility composes the mind with calmness, a sublime stillness pervades the entire being with inexplicable beatitude, soul feels closer to one's own pure consciousness, and a contemplative attitude fills the whole environment with an inner spiritual well-being.a
Read moreGandhi: The Secret of Silence
Experience has taught me that silence is a part of the spiritual discipline of a votary of truth. Proneness to exaggerate, to suppress or modify the truth, wittingly or unwittingly, is a natural weakness of man, and silence is necessary in order to surmount it.
Read moreSpiritual Wealth
Discovery of the spiritual wealth of your life does not mean that you will automatically become prosperous, healthy, famous or popular. Nor does it mean you will find a life of ease, free from care or responsibility. But you will enjoy true wealth, well-being and serenity.
Read moreKundalini
All spiritual aspirants ought to know and clearly understand kundalini power. To the intiate trained to use kundalini it comprises the inner path to God. In Kriya meditation, kundalini is the specific and conscious link between individual prana or life energy pervading the human being and cosmic prana, the source and perfection of all beings.
Read moreDewdrop Beads of Light
I walk to the tree of life and sit beneath her canopy. My thoughts ascend through her outstretched branches. I listen to her wisdom and praise her for her beauty. I thank her for her beneficence. I learn from her guidance. She offers blessings as dewdrop beads of light on the gossamer string of love.
Read moreSelf-Realization
So long as our unfoldment requires us to continue our existence in the world of manifestation, we must have two ideals. One is the relative and the other is the absolute ideal. The relative ideal demands that we provide for the objective aspect of life; whereas the absolute ideal inspires us to realize the highest state of perfection, which is oneness with God, or Self-realization.
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